Built-in Django Steps

Lettuce features a number of built-in steps for Django to simplify the creation of fixtures.

creating fixture data

Lettuce can automatically introspect your available Django models to create fixture data, e.g.

    Given I have options in the database:
        | name    | value |
        | Lettuce | Rocks |

This will find a model whose verbose name is options. It will then create objects for that model with the parameters specified in the table (i.e. name=Lettuce, value=Rocks).

You can also specify relational information. Assuming a model Profile with foreign key user and field avatar:

    Given user with username "harvey" has profile in the database:
        | avatar  |
        | cat.jpg |

To create many-to-many relationships, assuming User has and belongs to many Group objects:

    Given user with username "harvey" is linked to groups in the database:
        | name |
        | Cats |

For many-to-many relationship to be created, both models must exist prior to linking.

Most common data can be parsed, i.e. true/false, digits, strings and dates in the form 2013-10-30.

registering your own model creators

For more complex models that have to process or parse data you can write your own creating steps using the creates_models decorator.

from lettuce.django.steps.models import (creates_models,

def create_note(step):
    data = hashes_data(step)
    for row in data:
        # convert the author into a user object
        row['author'] = get_user(row['author'])


testing models

Two steps exist to test models.

Then features should be present in the database:
    | name    | value |
    | Lettuce | Rocks |
And there should be 1 feature in the database

You can also test non-database model attributes by prefixing an @ to the attribute name. Non-database attributes are tested after the records are selected from the database.

Then features should be present in the database:
    | name    | value | @language |
    | Lettuce | Rocks | Python    |

registering your own model testers

For more complex tests that have to process or parse data you can write your own creating steps using the checks_existence decorator.

settings.py variables

LETTUCE_APPS – apps to test by default

LETTUCE_USE_TEST_DATABASE – use a test database instead of the live database. Equivalent of -T flag.

other considered variables

SOUTH_TESTS_MIGRATE – apply a south migration to the test database