language support

Lettuce currently supports 18 languages:

  • English
  • Portuguese (Português)
  • Polish (Polski)
  • Catalan (Català)
  • Spanish (Español)
  • Hungarian (Magyar)
  • French (Français)
  • German (Deutsch)
  • Japanese (日本語)
  • Turkish (Türkçe)
  • Simplified Chinese (简体中文)
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)
  • Russian (Русский)
  • Ukrainian (Українська)
  • Italian (Italiano)
  • Norwegian (Norsk)
  • Swedish (Svenska)
  • Czech (Čeština)

Although it’s only about writing tests since the current version does output only in English.

writing features in a specific language

You can tell lettuce the language of a feature file through adding a comment in the first line of the file, using the following syntax:

# language: <code>

english example

# language: en
Feature: write features in english
   Scenario: simple scenario
      Given I write a file which starts with "# language: en"
      Then it must be parsed with proper english keywords

brazilian portuguese example

# language: pt-br
Funcionalidade: escrever funcionalidades em português
   Cenário: cenário simples
      Dado que eu crio um arquivo que começa com "# language: pt-br"
      Então ele deve ser interpretado com as devidas palavras-chave brasileiras

adding support to other languages

We love contribution, so if you want to bring lettuce to your native language there is a single and simple way.

fetch the code

First of all, you must have git control version installed in your machine.

Once you have it installed, grab the code with

user@machine:~$ git clone git://

And edit the file located at:


And add a new dictionary entry for your native language.

Let’s see the Brazilian Portuguese translation to exemplify.

    'pt-br': {
        'examples': u'Exemplos|Cenários',
        'feature': u'Funcionalidade',
        'name': u'Portuguese',
        'native': u'Português',
        'scenario': u'Cenário|Cenario',
        'scenario_outline': u'Esquema do Cenário|Esquema do Cenario',
        'scenario_separator': u'(Esquema do Cenário|Esquema do Cenario|Cenario|Cenário)',

The key of the dict will be used as identifier for the comment # language: identifier at feature files.

The value must be a dict, where the keys are canonical representation of keywords (string), and the values must be a pipe-separated string with translation possibilities.

It allows different translations for the same keyword in the current language, which offers many possibilities for different semantical cases.

For example, when using scenario outlines, it can be semantically nicer to write:

   | name | age |
   | John | 22  |
   | Mary | 53  |

Instead of:

   | name | age |
   | John | 22  |
   | Mary | 53  |

add your translation

Now you can add your own language to lettuce, save the file and commit in the source control with.

For example, let’s suppose that you’ve added Spanish support:

user@machine:~/lettuce$ git commit lettuce/ -m 'adding translation for spanish'

Generate a patch:

user@machine:~/lettuce$ git format patch HEAD^1

And send to lettuce’s ticket tracker as a gist or something like it.